Curriculum section
Here is where you can enter the curriculum for your course.
Curriculum Tab
Here, you can see the curriculum tab is enabled and this tab is what is currently showing on the full page.
Drip Tab
The drip feature allows you to delay the release of sections in your course based on time parameters (i.e. Section 2 can only release 24 hours after the course is started).
Settings Tab
The “Settings” tab allows you to configure various settings for your course, such as the course name, description, enrollment options, access, and pricing. You can also set up course completion certificates for students.
Pricing Tab
The Pricing tab is a section that allows the instructors to set, adjust and manage the price of a course.
In this tab, you can enter any FAQs prospective students might have about your course. These questions and answers will appear on your course’s sales page.
Notices Tab
The notices are used to communicate important course-related information to enrolled students.
Draft/Publish Button
Clicking this button will display a dropdown. You can toggle between draft mode or publish mode for your course. Draft is when the course is only visible to yourself. When your course is fully built and ready to go live, you will click the pulldown menu and click Publish. Please only do this when your course is completely ready to go live.
View Button
Clicking the view button allows you to see what your course’s sales page looks like for all website visitors.
New Section Button
Clicking this button adds a new section to your curriculum.